The “Student Express” educational journal was started by A. Bernard Lourdh in July 2001 at Tamil Nadu. Being the first educational journal print in bilingual languages Tamil and English, It was devoted exclusively to the Indian student and youth community. The magazine had successfully tailored to the growing needs of students and youth across the world for the past 10 years, and served as a unique information repository on various educational courses and career advancements helping the educational world in various aspects, with a goal to enrich the student and youth for the betterment. Since 2011, Student Express stepped into the “digital and modern era” as an online educational journal, molding itself to the technology advancements and changing needs of international student community. With the constant support and love of students and readers, Student express strives to continually contribute for the betterment and growth of the global student community.
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A.BERNARD LOURDH, M.A.,M.Phil. Chief Editor & Proprietor: +91 9841177799,
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